150 Year Celebration
In June 2019, Wesley Place Methodist Church was 150 years old.
We celebrated our 150th Anniversary
by holding a number of events and activities
throughout 2019/20

This page details the events that took place
to celebrate our Anniversary Year...
List of Events 2019/20
Launch Anniversary Morning Service Sunday 2nd June led by the President of the Methodist Conference
Visiting Preachers from 'yesteryear' 2019/20
Stall at Alsager Carnival - 15th June 2019
150 kilometre walk around the Circuit- 7th -14th July 2019
Teddy Bears Picnic - 14th July 2019
Food for the Community - July/August 2019
Wesley Place Archive Displays - 2019/20
Audley Male Voice Choir - 14th September 2019
Back to Church Sunday - 15th September 2019
Barn Dance - 5th October 2019
Sing A Long A Sound of Music - 9th November 2019
Christmas Tree Festival with a Difference!! - 22nd - 25th November 2019
U3A Light Orchestra and Alsager Community Choir Christmas Concert - 14th December
Sing A Long with 'Oliver' - 25th January
Continuous Table Tennis - Postponed
Come and Sing 'Joseph' - Postponed
Organ Recital - Postponed
End of 150 Anniversary Year Service with Queen's Platinum Jubilee - Sunday 5th June 2022
Go to our News page to see photos and updates from our 150 year celebration.
Interested in joining us?
Please feel free to join us at any time. You are assured of a warm welcome. Please make yourself known to one of the stewards at the door.
For further details of Church services and other worship activities, please contact the senior Church steward