Adventurers Club
Learning, Friendship & Fun
Adventurers is an important part of our Wesley Place Church Family,
and caters for children of all ages, from babies to young adults.
We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am
We share the first part of worship in church, then leave for our own activities.
The aim of Adventurers is to allow children to explore what
being a Follower of Jesus means in today's world,
using games, art and craft, and a directed hands-on approach.
Our emphasis is on fun, fellowship and sharing and learning about Jesus.
Age range: Babies to Teenagers.
All our Adventurers Leaders are
DBS checked and meet the rigorous
Safeguarding Policy
of the Methodist Church.

Interested in joining us?
Please feel free to join us at any time. You are assured of a warm welcome.
For further details about Adventurers
please contact us ...