Our Mission Statement
Wesley Place Methodist Church, Alsager exists to;
Offer to God our best in worship
Support and encourage one another on our faith journey
Serve the community in which it is placed
Welcome all who request what the church is able to offer e.g. baptisms, weddings, funerals as well as membership of church organisations which cater for all, from infancy to old age
Make the premises available for community groups
Encourage members to become involved in community issues.
As part of the worldwide Christian Church, we seek to be aware of world church, ecumenical, ecological and local issues and to support by prayer and regular giving those about which we are particularly concerned.
To understand and fulfill our purpose we recognise our obligation to work with others beyond Wesley Place, e.g. internationally, ecumenically and within wider Methodism, and to take an active part in Churches Together in Alsager.
Wesley Place also supports God's people in the wider world by:
Supporting Fairtrade activities within Alsager, using fairly traded products in the activities which take place on the premises.
Supporting Eco friendly activities, by promoting recycling of waste, saving energy, and offsetting its carbon footprint by the planting of trees
How we fulfill our Mission Statement
April 2008 - Wesley Place Given Eco-Congregation Award
Following a visit of the assessors in March 2008, Wesley Place was given an award by the Eco-Congregation Movement.The assessors were particularly impressed by:
the ownership of change by every committee and team within the various functions of the church. The environment agenda is seen as everyone's responsibility
the beneficial effects of hanging major efforts and publicity drives on One World Week, now spread across the town, reaching churches and schools